Dear Willem,Waar ik benieuwd naar ben is of alle Educause gangers dit verzoek krijgen. Waarom moeten ze mij nu hebben en wat kan ik ze vertellen, behalve dan dat ik heel blij ben om erheen te mogen gaan?
I am writing to ask if you might consider being interviewed as part of a series of podcasts we are producing during this year's EDUCAUSE ANNUAL Conference. It shouldn't take more than about 20 minutes, and we plan to provide you with a list of questions prior to the interview. The interviews are conducted in a very informal, relaxed manner, and we feel they serve as a great complement to the other activities hosted at the conference. We have produced a similar series for the past few years and the response has been very positive.
If you'd like to accept our invitation, and I hope you will, please paste this URL into your browser to schedule a time most convenient for you:
I would be very happy to address any questions or concerns you may have about this project. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to consider this request.
Gerry xxxxxx
Multimedia Producer
Titel uit het boekje: I always get my sin
Tussenstand Klimaatwet: 33 ondertekeningen via mijn site. Klik hier om te tekenen...
(Nog steeds nummer 4 in de blogbattle ranking)